Church Stained Glass

Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Through Ministry

Message from the Pastor

Greetings in Christ,
“God’s Work, Our Hands.”
This catchy slogan is our mission statement here at Lord of Life. These four words say a lot. They speak of our role as Christians living and worshipping God in this community. Simply put, we strive to do the things that God would want us to do. Therein lays the awesome challenge and responsibility of our calling. Proper discernment through prayer and conversation plays a big role in all we do. God’s work for us includes preaching and teaching God’s Word, helping those in need within and outside of our congregation, and supporting and serving the church. As always, I am looking forward to the beginning of another new church year as each of us personally discovers the meaning behind the words “God’s Work, Our Hands.”

In Christ,
Pastor Dale

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