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Worship Services in Brighton, MI, for People of All Ages

A Church You Can Call Home

Thank you for checking us out! We invite you to join us for worship services in Brighton, MI, or attend one of our upcoming events. We look forward to connecting with you soon.

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Your Warm and Welcoming Church

Discover the perfect church fit at Lord of Life. We embrace individuals of all ages, fostering a vibrant community with a wonderful mix of children, teens, young parents, middle-aged adults, and seniors. Our weekly worship services begin at 9:30 a.m. and last one hour.

We follow a liturgical format with our worship, including:

  • Holy Communion
  • Confession and Forgiveness
  • Passing the Peace of Christ
  • Confession and Forgiveness
  • The Apostles’ Creed
  • Confession and Forgiveness
  • The Lord’s Prayer

You won’t find any songbooks, hymnals, or bulletins at Lord of Life, as everything is on a large screen. The only book in each chair is the Holy Bible. Our worship music is led by a gifted praise band that incorporates traditional and contemporary Christian songs.

People Serving

Educational Opportunities

Worship is followed immediately by Sunday school for ages three up to the sixth grade. Confirmation class for children in grades 7 and 8 is also held, and our hospitality hour takes place in the dining room. An adult Bible study follows the hospitality hour.

Teen Learning In Kitchen

Nursery Care

Complimentary nursery care is offered for infants and toddlers in our fully-staffed and equipped nursery from 9:15 a.m. until the end of worship.

Kids Playing Cards

Please sign up for Worship Assistant duties with Sign-up Genius or on the bulletin board in the church Narthex.